I love Nicki Minaj :)
Welcome to My Page!
Take a look through my eyes and into my thoughts
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Saturday, 26 November 2011
New Poll Up!
On the left hand side of this blog
(<------ thiiiiis side, to be exact)
You will gladly notice that there is a new poll up
Make sure to vote, you can only vote once this time though
Since last time everything was pretty well tied so there wasn't much I could do
But let me know what you guys want to see and I'll post it! :)
PS. I'll have something pretty awesome coming your way soon so keep checking in here! It's a surprise!
(<------ thiiiiis side, to be exact)
You will gladly notice that there is a new poll up
Make sure to vote, you can only vote once this time though
Since last time everything was pretty well tied so there wasn't much I could do
But let me know what you guys want to see and I'll post it! :)
PS. I'll have something pretty awesome coming your way soon so keep checking in here! It's a surprise!
Awesome T-Shirts!
So, I know I've already kinda talked about this in my other post about Jenna Marbles t-shirts but I actually started surfing around the District Lines website and they have tons of other cool t-shirts as well! Also, you can create your own custom t-shirt. Here's how it goes:
- Pick your style of t-shirt
- Pick a colour
- Put any text you want on your shirt
- Add a picture if you want to, there's clipart to choose from or you can upload your own
- Choose size(s) and quantity that you want
- Place your order
- Voila! Your own custom t-shirt being shipped to you!
It's as easy as that!
Here's some pictures of other t-shirts available on the site:
Internet Reference Shirts
Funny Shirts
Mustache Shirts
Cute Shirts
Music Shirts
They have an assortment of other shirts of well, everything you can think of! Click on the link to go to the site and check it out yourself! I seriously recommend it! Christmas is coming soon... :)
(To see all t-shirts click on browse)
Funniest Comedian Ever!
Do you like to laugh? Who doesn't?! This is a comedian who always makes me laugh no matter what! I absolutely love his impressions, voices and sound effects, they definitely crack me up! Not to mention his stories that he tells are awesome as well! So, here he is, Gabriel Iglacias!
"Making Cops Laugh/ Kripsy Kreme Donuts"
"Drive Thru Voice"
"Road Trip"
(This one is one of my favourites!)
If you want to see more Gabriel Iglacias click on the link to bring you to his youtube channel, I guarantee you'll laugh your pants off! http://www.youtube.com/user/hotandfluffycomedy
drive thru,
funniest comedian ever,
Gabriel Iglacias,
hot and fluffy,
road trip,
sound effects,
Friday, 25 November 2011
Jenna Marbles T-Shirts?!
Why YES! Jenna Marbles has t-shirts that you can purchase online through a website called districtlines. It's easier for you to see for yourself than explain so here's a couple of examples of what's on the site as well as the link to the site.
(I'm totally getting this one!)
The link to this magical, wondrous site is: http://www.districtlines.com/jennamarbles
If you don't check out this site I will make the face at you!
Told You.
Okay, so I've been sorta kinda obsessing with Pokemon these past few days, and I stumbled upon this website called Bulbapedia. It's basically a wikipedia all about Pokemon, it's actually pretty awesome. So if you have Pokequestions, they have Pokeanswers! Go check it out! :)
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Song of The Day
I've been having a "Pokemarathon" aka, been watching Pokemon episodes and movies for several hours straight, so I thought that this would be a fitting song for the song of the day! Enjoy :)
New Stuff on My Blog!
Just letting you guys know I have some new stuff on my blog! If you look in the left column you'll see I added a few things for your entertainment such as the puppy of the day, funny cat pictures and an interactive guitar. I thought that the guitar one was pretty cool, seeing as I play guitar. I actually managed to figure something out on my little virtual guitar, lets see if you can guess the tune! (You have to play it on the virtual guitar by pressing these keys on your keyboard, you must first click where it says Active Keyboard use or whatever, it shows a keyboard with the letters A S D F G etc on it)
If you can figure out the tune leave a comment and let me know what you think it is!
If you can figure out the tune leave a comment and let me know what you think it is!
Monday, 21 November 2011
Breaking Dawn Trailer!
Okay, so I can't help it, I love Twilight, but first I want to get one thing straight, I started reading the books when I was still in elementary and I fell in love with the books before most people knew what they were. Also, I like the books and the movies separate (obviously a bigger fan of the books) but I still like seeing how they did with the movies. I'm particularly curious about Breaking Dawn though because I really want to see how they pulled off Bella's pregnancy and etc. So, whether you like the Twilight Series or not, here's a clip of the trailer, hope you enjoy :)
Admit it, it does look pretty epic.
Admit it, it does look pretty epic.
This Is Me
I already have started my love for cats, you can see my cute kitty below :3

Check out Bella's Face!
They totally cuddle! :D
Doesn't this just make you go "awwww"?
Become my follower or Roxy will not be impressed!
Fun Facts of The Day: Love
Here's some lovely facts about one of the strongest emotions: LOVE <3
If you love this post, or have a suggestion about other fun facts you want to see, leave a comment!
If you love this post, or have a suggestion about other fun facts you want to see, leave a comment!
- Men who kiss their wives in the morning live five years longer than those who don't.
- Falling in love can induce a calming effect on the body/mind and can raise levels of nerve growth factors for about a year, which helps to restore the nervous system and improves the lover's memory.
- Couples' personalities converge over time to make partners more and more similar.
- Every Valentine's Day, Verona, the Italian city where Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet took place, receives around 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet.
- Women’s hearts beat faster than men’s.
- Studies show that if a man meets a woman in a dangerous situation (and vice versa), such as on a trembling bridge, he is more likely to fall in love with her than if he met her in a more mundane setting, such as in an office. (From “Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love”)
- To read more facts about love click on this link! http://www.indianriverschools.org/Employees/EmployeeWellness/Pages/FunFactsAboutLoveandYourHeart.aspx
Ponies? On My Desktop?!
YES! It's true! You can get ponies from the show My Little Pony on your desktop! They're just so darn cute! Do you want ponies on your desktop? Click the link below to download!
So, if you're wondering what they do or are unsure about ponifying your desktop here's what they do. You can choose from any of the characters in My Little Pony, whether they are ponies or not (they have the pets, and other characters as well, some I didn't even know of!) and you can interact with them on your desktop. They speak to you if you hover over them with your cursor, you can move them, control them and sometimes they'll do random things! For example, sometimes Pinkie Pie will whip out her flying contraption, or Rainbow Dash will do Sonic Rainbooms all over your screen! They will even interact with each other! For example, any of the pets will interact with their owners and Spike shows his obsession with Rarity.
So, if you're wondering what they do or are unsure about ponifying your desktop here's what they do. You can choose from any of the characters in My Little Pony, whether they are ponies or not (they have the pets, and other characters as well, some I didn't even know of!) and you can interact with them on your desktop. They speak to you if you hover over them with your cursor, you can move them, control them and sometimes they'll do random things! For example, sometimes Pinkie Pie will whip out her flying contraption, or Rainbow Dash will do Sonic Rainbooms all over your screen! They will even interact with each other! For example, any of the pets will interact with their owners and Spike shows his obsession with Rarity.
These are the ponies on my desktop! Also, do you like my backround? Eeeeeee! :)
Here's a clip of one of the things that Fluttershy says that just cracks me up everytime!
So cute, you just can't resist! I guarantee you, once you watch at least a couple episodes you will be a brony like me :)
Gotta Catch Em All!
If you're a 90's kid like me, you probably remember the show Pokemon, (WHO DOESN'T REMEMBER IT?) and you probably loved it too, right? If you STILL love it and you want to watch the episodes online but can't find where to watch them just click on the link below!
Personally, I'm a huge Pokenerd, and I've watched the first season over and over countless times. But only the first season! This is my reasoning, the first season of Pokemon was pure EPIC (and okay, season 2 wasn't horrible I suppose) I grew up with only 150 Pokemon (plus Togepi, Mew and Mewtwo!) and it's just my own personal opinion that after the first season the new Pokemon they kept introducing got progressively more and more lame. So, the link will be taking you to only the first season but feel free to browse the site for later seasons if you're into that kind of thing.
Psyduck says "you must click the link!"
Personally, I'm a huge Pokenerd, and I've watched the first season over and over countless times. But only the first season! This is my reasoning, the first season of Pokemon was pure EPIC (and okay, season 2 wasn't horrible I suppose) I grew up with only 150 Pokemon (plus Togepi, Mew and Mewtwo!) and it's just my own personal opinion that after the first season the new Pokemon they kept introducing got progressively more and more lame. So, the link will be taking you to only the first season but feel free to browse the site for later seasons if you're into that kind of thing.
Who's that Pokemon?!
(It's one of my favourites!)
Who's your favourite Pokemon? Comment and let me know! :)
I know, I know, haven't blogged for the past couple days but I've been busy! I'll get right on it, my apologies!
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Song of The Day
I chose this song because I have loved Secondhand Serenade for years now and this is just such a wonderful song, enjoy! :)
Fun Facts of The Day: Kissing
Here are some interesting facts about kissing that you may not have known:
- You burn 26 calories in a one minute kiss.
- The average person spends two weeks of their life kissing.
- The scientific name for kissing is philematology.
- Beware where you kiss!
In some places kissing is a crime - it's illegal in Indiana for a mustached man to "habitually kiss human beings", in Hartford, Connecticut it's illegal for a husband to kiss his wife on Sunday, and in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, it's a crime to kiss a stranger. - Victorian etiquette required a man to kiss the back of a ladies hand.
- French kissing involves all 34 muscles in the face. A pucker kiss involves only two
- Kissing is good for teeth. The anticipation of a kiss increases the flow of saliva to the mouth, giving the teeth a plaque-dispersing bath
- Kissing at the conclusion of a wedding ceremony can be traced to ancient Roman tradition where a kiss was used to sign contract
- Approximately two-thirds of people tip their head to the right when they kiss. Some scholars speculate this preference starts in the womb
You can find more kissing facts here:
Or here:
I've gotten yet another request for another original song, this time from my friend I've known for about 8 years now, Nate. So, here's the video, keep in mind that just like all my other videos I have up, it's pretty old, I'm going to be working on some new stuff hopefully soon. This song is called "You Broke My Heart" and this is the first recording I did of this song. I have another, better version but it takes like 2 hours to upload videos and I'm impatient tonight so maybe another time. In the meantime, watch this video!
Anyways, speaking of Nate, he is also a fellow musician who is currently working on his audition pieces to get into school. He plans on later becoming a music teacher, hopefully, as he put it (haha). Nate plays the trumpet, guitar, bass, drums and sings as well. (Wow, that's a lot!). If you enjoy music and are interested in hearing Nate perform with another musician, Holly, and you live in the Dryden area come down to the Centre on November 26th 2011 at 4pm to hear them perform along with a whole bunch of other great musicians!
Thank you for your support, Nate!
Anyways, speaking of Nate, he is also a fellow musician who is currently working on his audition pieces to get into school. He plans on later becoming a music teacher, hopefully, as he put it (haha). Nate plays the trumpet, guitar, bass, drums and sings as well. (Wow, that's a lot!). If you enjoy music and are interested in hearing Nate perform with another musician, Holly, and you live in the Dryden area come down to the Centre on November 26th 2011 at 4pm to hear them perform along with a whole bunch of other great musicians!
Thank you for your support, Nate!
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
If you like my blog you should check out my friend's blog! You've already seen her on my blog, (she's the one who's sexy and should be a model) the wonderful Erin! The link to her blog is below!
Check it out!
Check it out!
Finnish Word of The Day!
Today's word is Kiitos
Which means: Thank You
Pronunciation: key-toes (easy to remember!)
So kiitos all everyone who has become a follower! Please continue coming by to check things out and tell your friends to come by too! I post new stuff every day! :)
Which means: Thank You
Pronunciation: key-toes (easy to remember!)
So kiitos all everyone who has become a follower! Please continue coming by to check things out and tell your friends to come by too! I post new stuff every day! :)
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Some of you have requested for me to post some of my videos of me singing and playing guitar. This took like 2 hours to upload onto youtube so I hope you like it. This is an original song titled I Wished For You written a long time ago.
What you are looking at is a candle, when I made the video I was looking pretty horrible so I decided to give you something beautiful to look at! :) Enjoy!
What you are looking at is a candle, when I made the video I was looking pretty horrible so I decided to give you something beautiful to look at! :) Enjoy!
Fun Facts of The Day: Weird Laws
Any misdemeanor committed while wearing a red mask is considered a felony. -Arizona, The United States
Citizens may not greet each other by “putting one’s thumb to the nose and wiggling the fingers”. - New York, The United States
Every office must have a view of the sky, however small. - Germany
It is illegal to leave your house if you are not wearing underwear. - Thailand
Taxi cabs are required to carry a bale of hay in the trunk. - Australia
Only licensed electricians may change a light bulb. -Australia
All of these weird laws are from the following website, click the link for more weird laws! http://www.dumblaws.com/
All of these weird laws are from the following website, click the link for more weird laws! http://www.dumblaws.com/
Finnish Phrase of The Day!
Today's Phrase is: Miitä Kuuluu
Which means: How Are You?
Pronunciation: mee-tah koo-loo
So, how are you today? :)
Which means: How Are You?
Pronunciation: mee-tah koo-loo
So, how are you today? :)
In Remembrance of Jack
Jack is survived by his partner Jill, mother Mindy, little Sister Sheena and special friends; Ace, Abby, Kandi, and Kane. He also leaves behind his daddy Garry and Jack's poppa Ron. He was predeceased by his father Big Mikey and baby brother Brutus Jack fought cancer for 6 months to see his 7th birthday on 11/11/2011 and went peacefully on 11/14/2011 (Written by Ryan Turpin-Nolet)
Monday, 14 November 2011
Suggested Video
This video was suggested by my friend Topher. Check it out if you like gaming. Warning: coarse language
Calling All Bronies!
Today I'm going to educate you on the magic of friendship. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic to be exact! Yes, it's a show for kids but honestly, I know a lot of people who are older who love it (yes, I'm one of them). The show isn't like most kids shows where there is just constant repetition and is totally boring. MLP actually has a great story line also while teaching valuable lessons. Some people love it, some people just don't get it. But I ask you, is it going to kill you to watch just one episode? You will fall in love with the whole My Little Pony crew! Here's the very first episode, please watch and enjoy!
Along with being just so darn cute and having a decent story line there is actually a page on memebase specifically for "bronies" (for people who don't know what this means it's basically grown people or men who enjoy watching MLP) Here's a couple funny pictures from the site and the link is posted below.
Along with being just so darn cute and having a decent story line there is actually a page on memebase specifically for "bronies" (for people who don't know what this means it's basically grown people or men who enjoy watching MLP) Here's a couple funny pictures from the site and the link is posted below.
So true!
Also very true!
Hahah :)
D'awww so cute :)
Note: to understand most of the memes you must watch all of the episodes first.
Joke of the Day
Q: How many women does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: None, they just sit in the dark and bitch.
A: None, they just sit in the dark and bitch.
Fun Facts of The Day: Women
First of all, here's a fun fact about me: I have actually done what she does in the shower before. It was hilarious :) (PS. Easy A was an awesome movie!)
A few funny facts about women:
A few funny facts about women:
- A Saudi Arabian woman can get a divorce if her husband doesn't give her coffee (strange!).
- It is illegal to be a prostitute in Siena, Italy, if your name is Mary.
- The average number of items in a typical woman's bathroom is 437. A man would not be able to identify most of these items.
- The two highest IQ’s ever recorded (on a standard test) both belong to women.
- Women like looking at men, just as much as men like looking at women. We just know how to hide it better!
To read more fun facts about women click on the link below!
Finnish Word of The Day!
Today's word is: kissa
Which means: cat
Pronunciation: kee-sah
Do you have a kissa? I DO! Her name is Roxy and she's about 3ish months old now and is a total brat! Tell me about your kissa in the comment below or inbox me on my Facebook. Don't have me on Facebook? There's a link in the side bar! And I'll put one right here -- http://www.facebook.com/amandamarienisula
Do you like my kitty cat alarm clock? She actually wakes me up every morning too!
Yeah, you!
You should help me promote my blog! And in return I'll promote you! Whatever it is that you do, it doesn't matter. If you have a blog of your own, are a musician or have other things going on just comment below or leave me a message in my Facebook inbox and I'd be more than happy to promote you! Oh and the best part? It's FREEEEE :)
So, please people,
Tell your friends
your mom
your dad
your grandparents
your sister
your brother
a hobo
your dog
your cat
random strangers
your coworkers
whoever you may know!
Please and Thank You!
You should help me promote my blog! And in return I'll promote you! Whatever it is that you do, it doesn't matter. If you have a blog of your own, are a musician or have other things going on just comment below or leave me a message in my Facebook inbox and I'd be more than happy to promote you! Oh and the best part? It's FREEEEE :)
So, please people,
Tell your friends
your mom
your dad
your grandparents
your sister
your brother
a hobo
your dog
your cat
random strangers
your coworkers
whoever you may know!
Please and Thank You!
Weirdest Dream Last Night/ Interpretation
So, I had the weirdest dream last night and I just thought I'd share it with you guys. It's a little violent. Sorry about the format, I copied and pasted it and it got all screwed up and I can't fix it. There was more before this part but I can hardly remember it. Something about us trying to get away from somewhere/something.
So yeah, there you have it, my really messed up dreams that basically means I have a lot of issues. But finding out what my dream meant was actually pretty cool so if you have a dream that you want to understand better please feel free to click on this link right here ---> http://www.dreammoods.com/
My Dream
I was in a convenience store with my friend, Whitley when this robber guy came in and shot the guy at the counter so we hid behind the shelves. The robber guy said he wasn't going to kill us and then everything was okay so we all walked out of the store together. But then he said he was coming back to kill us anyways and he sounded like he was joking so we just laughed it off. Later on we were sitting in Whitley's mom's van and we were falling asleep on the floor because the seats were taken out. Suddenly I saw a guy's shadow pointing a gun at Whitley so I kinda jumped in the way so I could wake her up and move her but the bullet grazed my throat and it started bleeding. Whit's throat was bleeding heavier so it must have gotten her too. The bullet wasn't underneath her skin but the wound was still pretty bad. The robber guy kept shooting as us and all of the sudden one of my pets was there and I was trying to keep Bella or Roxy (don't remember which one of my pets but it was was one of them) away from his bullets by moving them and dodging the bullets. I don't remember much after this, I just remember Whitley gasping for air and me grabbing at my own throat to try and make it better.
Here's what the website called "Dream Moods" told me (the link is below)
"To dream that someone is shooting you with a gun
suggests that you are experiencing some confrontation in your waking life. You
may be feeling victimized in some situation"
"To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood
signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling
emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and
your friends. Your past actions has come back to haunt you. Women often dream of blood or of someone bleeding, shortly before or during their periods or
when they are pregnant"
"To dream that others are bleeding signifies an
emotional cry for help."
"To dream that you have a sore throat or have throat
problems suggest that you are having problems saying what you really think. You
are having difficulties experiencing how you feel and conveying your thoughts.
You may feel threatened or vulnerable when you express yourself."
"To see a pet in your dream represents civilized instincts. You are keeping your temper in line."
"To dream that you are protecting someone or something suggests that you are putting up an emotional wall or barrier between you and others around you."
So yeah, there you have it, my really messed up dreams that basically means I have a lot of issues. But finding out what my dream meant was actually pretty cool so if you have a dream that you want to understand better please feel free to click on this link right here ---> http://www.dreammoods.com/
Wanna Hear Some Good Music?
This is my good friend, David Huffman. I have watched this guy grow and get better and better with his music. At one of my very first performances he was my guitar player for the show. I had an awesome time figuring out the songs last minute (because that's how the really cool musicians do it, right?). But anyways, I have seen him grow from a shy(ish) guitar player who never sang in public to being on his way to becoming a ROCK GOD!
The above pictures are of Huffman and I performing at the Loud As Rock concert which was a blast! I was super nervous (as you can see) but Huffman was ready and assuring. I felt better knowing that he was up there with me!
http://www.facebook.com/David.Duff.Huffman -- Huffman's Facebook Page
http://www.facebook.com/sensibledemise -- Sensible Demise's Facebook Page
http://www.youtube.com/user/settingthestandard1 - Sensible Demise's Youtube
also, for every minute that you spend not clicking on these links a puppy will die. Do you hate puppies? :(
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