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Sunday 4 November 2012

A Bunch of My Creations :)

Here are just a few of my wonderful creations. Please excuse the pictures with the poor quality, it was taken with a webcam as my camera battery is dead and MIA. Enjoy! :) 


If you have ever played the game "Slender" you will understand this picture. If you have not, you probably should. Unless, that is, you have a heart condition or something. The game itself is not extremely terrifying or gory or anything but it is suspenseful and makes you jump. Also, that whole sweaty palm thing is a real pain in the butt. Anyways, I drew this picture, enjoy :) Oh, and don't mind the terrible webcam quality, my camera was dead. 

Also, here is a picture that my boyfriend drew of slenderman vs. Pokemon :3 

Sunday 14 October 2012

I Clean Toilets For a Living

For all of you that don't know I am a housekeeper. I like some parts of it, I hate some parts of it but overall for the most part I enjoy my job because of the awesome people I work with and the friendly, comfortable environment I work in. But there are a few downsides to my job, such as the actual cleaning part. Sometimes you get awesome people staying in the rooms who are generally neat and tidy and some even partially clean the room before they leave. Then there are people who stay in a room and absolutely destroy the place, it's like they walked into the hotel and decided "I am going to make this housekeeper's life a living hell. You're welcome housekeeper." Here's a few examples of what I've dealt with going from gross to just pure annoying. 

Someone puked on the bed that the guest didn't even attempt to clean up, just left it sitting in a great big pile for me to clean. I didn't have to clean that room thankfully, but I was on laundry that day which meant I had to clean the blanket is was ALL over. The housekeeper who had brought me the blanket set it aside so that I didn't accidentally grab it and get puke all over myself but then another housekeeper came in, unknowingly picked it up and put it with the rest of the blankets, smearing puke all over the wall in the process. You know how you can kinda tell what the person was doing before they threw up if you're face to face with their puke? Well, I do. They were not sick because of the flu or another kind of illness. It was the kind of vomit that said "I went across the street to the bar last night, drank way too much and then made the bad decision of going next door and getting McDonalds." I'll tell you I'm definitely not eating McDonald's for awhile, that's for sure! 

Another time I had to clean a room that a family was staying in. I expected it to be dirty as kids are pretty hard to keep up with but it wasn't just the kids that were disgusting. I guess when the parents changed the kids diapers they figured that there was no need to neatly roll them up before putting them into the garbage can and that leaving them wide open with crap everywhere was totally acceptable. Well, not only that but they also decided that they would much rather not have the garbage bag in the garbage can where it belongs but it would be much better laying amongst all of the fast food wrappers and other garbage on the table. So, guess where those open dirty diapers went. Yepp, right into the garbage can with no bag in it. Shit EVERYWHERE on the inside of it. Guess who had to clean it. Yepp, me. 

I'll leave just those two gross ones as your stomache is probably churning and you're saying "No! No more!" So we'll move onto the annoying things. Luckily, there are more annoying things than gross things but when I find gross things they're just really gross. I've also heard many other horror stories from people who have worked there longer, so glad I haven't experienced that.. yet. 

A group of high school volleyball players recently came to town and decided my workplace would be the best place to book a whole bunch of rooms. When I heard that this was happening I was already not enthused as I absolutely HATE teenagers, (the stereotypical ones anyways) and I realized that I was really in for it when I was waiting for my boyfriend to come pick me up and a small group of volleyball players came in with their chaperones so they could book their rooms separately from the rest of the team. I had just gotten off work and had a killer headache (we had to rearrange a lot of guests in the hotel to make proper room for the teams so it was a long day) and they walk in there like they own the place and start yelling excitedly about all sorts of things. Mostly just Jersey Shore references which tells you something about their IQ level. Mostly all I heard while they were checking in was a lot of "YEAAAAH BUDDY" and "AWWW YEAAAH! YEAH!" I was so close to smacking them in the face and telling them to sit down and shut up but I kept my cool. \

I get to work the next morning after that and want to hit them even more when I found out that they got their hands on some silly string from the dollar store. I would also like to stop here and say something, Our location is probably the worst location EVER. Right across from us we have a bar, and a mini mall with a dollar store inside it. On our left we have McDonalds, and on our right we have an intersection. So, it's always impossible to get in/out of work because of constant traffic, the guests decide to go and get drunk at the bar and get McDonalds which leaves me with puke and lots of ketchup covered garbage to clean up, and the guests go buy stupid annoying little things from the dollar store just to piss me off. Anyways, I got to work and there was silly string in all of their rooms (thank god I didn't have those ones, I got the coaches rooms) and down the hallway. It wasn't a huge deal to clean up or anything since it was already hardened I and just picked up what I could and vacuumed the rest but it was extra work for us housekeepers to do. It just showed/proved that teenagers are inconsiderate and don't give two shits about anyone but themselves. And yes, I am 19, but I am not one of them. 

Also, the other day I went into a room to clean it and found that the bathroom was absolutely covered in white. It looked like some coke-head through a party in the bathroom. Luckily, it was not illegal drugs and only baby powder but it was still a bitch to clean up. It wasn't gross, and actually smelled nice and clean, it's just that as we all know, or should know, when you wet a powdery substance it turns to paste. So, whenever I sprayed the tub/sink/counter/toilet/floor with the cleaner it would turn into a paste-like substance. I had to wash everything at least 3 times and use the hose from the vacuum afterwards. It normally takes me 5 to 10 minutes max to clean a bathroom, this one took me 20, so it was just a waste of my time. The result of that day was me making this meme. 

When you clean toilets for a living, you have to have a good sense of humour. Instead of getting angry that I have all these messes to clean up I find things to laugh at instead, which isn't hard when you're a housekeeper. Some of the things you find in rooms makes you laugh pretty hard (such as walking in to a room with a broken bed), as well as some of the stories you hear from your co-workers (such as hearing a story of how that one girl who picked on you all through out high school had sex with a whole hockey team and got arrested for being drunk and partially naked in the stairwell after she had been kicked out of the room). Yepp, being a housekeeper is not an easy job but some things just make it totally worthwhile. 

But just a little reminder before I end this post, next time you stay in a hotel or motel or whatever, do not leave the room a mess. Put all of your garbage in the garbage cans (WITH bags in them!), throw out the soap/shampoo or whatever you used in the shower so we don't have to touch your buttcrack soap, if you make a gross mess at least attempt to clean it up to the best of your ability, and if you want to go the extra mile strip the bed! It makes our job a lot easier. And if you don't do these things and you stay where I work. I will hunt you down and smack you. Just kidding, I wouldn't do that. But seriously though. 

Thursday 11 October 2012

Peta, STAHP!

I made this meme today with all the Peta stuff still going on. I think that when you can't fix a situation right away the best thing to do is make light of it, or in this case, make fun of it. :) Enjoy! 

Wednesday 10 October 2012

My Thoughts Exactly!

Well, yeah they're my thoughts exactly, cause I made it. Just thought I'd throw in a funny :) 

I Just Had To Do This; Song of The Day

Some people say that this song is terrible, some say it was good and then got overplayed. Personally, I love it and can't get enough. I think it's one of the best songs to be silly to and get the party going. So enjoy, or not, whatever you want, but I think I'm gonna dance to it :) 

My Thoughts on PETA vs. Pokemon

This is my take on PETA vs. Pokemon after playing the game that PETA released. PETA should have probably actually watched the whole Pokemon series before creating their "game" protesting it. I'll admit that there were some parts in there that got my attention such as all of the meme references they had in there (which I found funny and I know they use to get our attention by having us relate to it in a way that makes us feel positive) but aside from that I found the game to be rather disgusting and morbid, (and they're complaining that Pokemon isn't meant for children, ha). The characters that they have in the game are nothing like the characters from the show and show more reference to real live people who are cruel to animals (such as the research tester using moves like perfume blast or whatever, and the guy who wants to skin and eat the Pokemon). Also, I think that the way they are making their point is pretty ridiculous, they're trying to stop people from playing the games but they create a more morbid, sad version of the game where the characters actually DO abuse the pokemon. The best way I can describe it is hypocrisy. 

 Pokemon is not just about battling, within the show you learn life lessons like not only is Pikachu Ash's pokemon but also his best friend and Ash would do ANYTHING for Pikachu. It teaches you to be kind to your "pets" and show them respect as well as many other life lessons. I think that PETA is blowing this way out of proportion and should probably stay out of our media and stick to protesting REAL animal abuse rather than a Japanese animated show dating back to when I was young. I haven't watched more recent episodes but the ones that I used to watch every day when I was a kid taught me to be kind, compassionate, determined, caring, understanding, and adventurous/ It taught me to reach for the stars, go after my dreams, never take advantage of the time spent with your loved ones, travel the world if you have the opportunity, meet new friends, always find an opportunity to learn something new, do what you love to do, always tell your friends how much you care, help out a stranger whenever you can, always be the better person and always be yourself. If that's not enough values to keep a show running then what's the point in even watching TV any more? Yes, in the show Pokemon "battle" but it's about the equivalent of two humans wrestling or boxing or something. The two Pokemon are willing, they express that they want to battle (if they don't they run or they refuse) and after the battle they are once again just two Pokemon who congratulate each other on their hard work. In the first Pokemon movie, Mewtwo is forcing the clones to fight the originals and Ash and Pikachu stop the fighting and speak out against the violence. Pokemon recognises that there is a difference. 

Therefore, I think that PETA should probably stop this ridiculous petition to stop Pokemon and start concentrating on real life issues that are happening to real animals who are suffering right now. They should concentrate on finding a way to put real life animal abusers in jail rather than getting a slap on the wrist. It really bothers me that things like this happen way too often where people concentrate on the small petty things in the media (just to be picky and have something to complain about) and focus all their energy on getting rid of it because it's easier to stop than the things happening here in the real world. So PETA, stop being one of those picky people who are too lazy to do ACTUAL good and pick on the media and get out there and solve real problems. 

If you want to see the game for yourself click the link below, but be warned it's really sick and twisted. 


Looks pretty gross right? If these want to stop animal abuse maybe they shouldn't make a game portraying animal abuse, am I right? 

Thursday 6 September 2012

Publish Your Own Books!

Today, I stumbledupon this site called "blurb". It's super awesome, especially if you love writing just as much as I do. Basically what this site is all about is you have the ability to create your own books, order one (or many), sell them online, or share them on the website. By using this website you could be creating memories for yourself, making money, beginning a career, getting recognition and much more. I think that this website is probably the best thing since sliced bread, I highly suggest going and checking it out. Even for those of you who don't like writing so much but are interested in things like photography, family histories or even just storing memories. The website has many options to choose from, they even have "Facebook and Instagram" books where you can upload your photos (as well as comments and captions) and save them in a book to capture your best work, memories and moments. I've already created one book, (the Facebook one) for my boyfriend and myself, it's pictures of us over the past few years ranging from now to when we first started dating and I love it! The prices are also pretty fair as well. You have to download the program for anything other than the Facebook and Instagram books but it's really easy to figure out (I even skipped the tutorial!) and totally worth it, also, the program is free. On the website you can also purchase books that other people have created. I just love everything about this website, you have endless options for creativity and expanding your knowledge as well as you imagination. You can't go wrong! Definitely go check it out and give it a try, who knows, maybe you'll become a famous author, artist, or photographer! 

Here is a link to the website: 

http://www.blurb.ca <-- Canada

http://www.blurb.com <-- USA


Monday 3 September 2012

My Whale Pillow :)

So, the other day I was home alone with a sewing machine and I created this here whale pillow for my boyfriend! :) 

Love Indie Music?

Hey, you! You like music right? Pssh, who doesn't?! Now the question is, do you like indie music? If your answer is yes then go check out the sites below for some awesome indie playlists. If you're not sure if you like indie music go check it out, cause you probably will, unless you're lame or something. I personally love this site in general, it's great for finding new music. 

http://8tracks.com/lucasnevado/happy-summer-mix -- upbeat

http://8tracks.com/lytebryte25/songs-to-lie-on-your-bed-and-stare-at-the-ceiling-to -- relaxing 

http://8tracks.com/ -- the home page 

This is Right On

All I have to say about this picture is it is exactly right, we all do it, unfortunately. Here is Facebook In Real Life. 

If you liked this comic go check out some more at http://thedoghousediaries.com, they're all just as hilarious and true. :)

A Touch of Nerdiness

So, now that I'm back (for however long, I will honestly try to post a lot more frequently again), I've posted a couple meaningful things, but now it's time to sit back, relax and think about Pokemon, oh yeah. This guy in this video has a super awesome theory about a Pokemon War. You won't regret watching it, I know I didn't!


Genius in The Lion King

I just had to post this because I love it, and it's totally true. This obviously isn't the only positive thing you can take and learn from The Lion King, (obvious example, Hakuna Mattata) but I just saw this one and thought I'd share it with you, maybe make you think a little. Enjoy.

It's Been Too Long.

I don't know exactly what compelled me to come and revisit my blog but I'm glad I did. I began reading through some of my own posts, mostly the ones with meaning behind them rather than just artwork and such. After reading about previous re-realizations I came upon another. That realization is this: we all tend to get caught up in this fast paced world without even realizing it. We often lose ourselves, forgetting who we are and what we've learned. Picture it like this, we are balloons, everything that influences us (negatively, or not exactly positively) is helium, everything that we learn is just oxygen. We start out as empty balloons and as we learn and grow we get filled up with both oxygen and helium. The helium causes us to drift farther and farther away from earth (or reality) whereas the oxygen just allows us to stay full of that knowledge and experience while still being "down to earth". As we get older and we have influences like mass media and material objects we begin consuming more helium than oxygen and we start drifting away. But every now and then, something comes along, and pokes a little hole in that balloon and you drift back down to earth. You patch yourself up, remember that oxygen is more important and carry on with your life, close to earth. Often the process will repeat because as humans we forget things a lot, but there's always that something that brings us back down whether it's because of a thought you had yourself, a conversation with a friend, or something not so pleasant that forces you to open your eyes to reality. I'm not entirely sure if this is what happens to everyone but I know in my case this is one hundred percent true. I will be the first to admit that I often get too caught up in this fast paced world of technology, gossip, and material objects. For example, lately I've been nearly obsessed with looking at things to buy online. I don't end up buying half of it but I still look at it and say "I want that!" And not until now have I realized that that "want" I have is greed. I do not need that item, I just want it in my possession. Anyways, back to the balloon metaphor, I'm sure someone else feels the same way I do about this, and I think that the people who don't, should maybe try it once in awhile. It feels nearly impossible to never partake in everything that people get so wrapped up in but at least take a break once in awhile to reflect on yourself and your surroundings. People don't take enough time to stop and smell the roses. So, next time you consciously realize that "you're too full of helium" let it go and go sniff some flowers! 

Thursday 1 March 2012

Look What I Made!

Lately I've been in a super creative mood. I found some old jars from candles that I had bought awhile back that still had wax in them. So, I boiled water and put the jars of wax into it and let it melt. Then, I emptied the wax and cleaned the jars. After that I used permanent marker to draw on the designs and used nail polish to make it look pretty! Here's the results! :) 

"Love" candle holder:

"Peace" candle holder:

"Joy" candle holder:

All three:

Cutie Mark Shells? I Made Some!

So I got really bored the other day and felt like creating something. Last summer I took a 5 hour walk and picked up a few clam shells along the beach. My friend and I went back for more as I felt that I could use them for something. They sat on my shelf for months and months and finally I used some for something! I made these cutie mark shells myself. They aren't super great and didn't turn out how I imagined but I still hope you enjoy them! :) 

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Song of The Day

I've had this song stuck in my head all day! I love Megan and Liz, they are amazing artists! :) 

Some of My Creations!

I'm so, so, so, sorry for not posting recently, this past week has been super hectic and busy and then this weekend I got sick :( But I'm all better now! I decided to put all of my most recent creations on here, so enjoy! :) 

 MLP: FiM Valentine 

Pokemon valentine 

Bunny valentine 

Back of the bunny valentine (I made it for the 2 girls I babysit) 

MLP: FiM, Discord, MUAHAHAHA! 

A meme I made while doing school work, hehe 

Fluttershy :3 (MLP: FiM) 

Rainbow Dash (made for my best friend)  

Psycho pony (saw it on a friends' cover photo) 

Rainbow Dash's cutie mark (painted on an onion soup bowl)  

View #2 of painted bowl 

Random meme I made while talking to people about "who was phone"

A meme I made for my best friend since we're never online at the same time for some odd reason