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Thursday, 6 September 2012

Publish Your Own Books!

Today, I stumbledupon this site called "blurb". It's super awesome, especially if you love writing just as much as I do. Basically what this site is all about is you have the ability to create your own books, order one (or many), sell them online, or share them on the website. By using this website you could be creating memories for yourself, making money, beginning a career, getting recognition and much more. I think that this website is probably the best thing since sliced bread, I highly suggest going and checking it out. Even for those of you who don't like writing so much but are interested in things like photography, family histories or even just storing memories. The website has many options to choose from, they even have "Facebook and Instagram" books where you can upload your photos (as well as comments and captions) and save them in a book to capture your best work, memories and moments. I've already created one book, (the Facebook one) for my boyfriend and myself, it's pictures of us over the past few years ranging from now to when we first started dating and I love it! The prices are also pretty fair as well. You have to download the program for anything other than the Facebook and Instagram books but it's really easy to figure out (I even skipped the tutorial!) and totally worth it, also, the program is free. On the website you can also purchase books that other people have created. I just love everything about this website, you have endless options for creativity and expanding your knowledge as well as you imagination. You can't go wrong! Definitely go check it out and give it a try, who knows, maybe you'll become a famous author, artist, or photographer! 

Here is a link to the website: 

http://www.blurb.ca <-- Canada

http://www.blurb.com <-- USA


Monday, 3 September 2012

My Whale Pillow :)

So, the other day I was home alone with a sewing machine and I created this here whale pillow for my boyfriend! :) 

Love Indie Music?

Hey, you! You like music right? Pssh, who doesn't?! Now the question is, do you like indie music? If your answer is yes then go check out the sites below for some awesome indie playlists. If you're not sure if you like indie music go check it out, cause you probably will, unless you're lame or something. I personally love this site in general, it's great for finding new music. 

http://8tracks.com/lucasnevado/happy-summer-mix -- upbeat

http://8tracks.com/lytebryte25/songs-to-lie-on-your-bed-and-stare-at-the-ceiling-to -- relaxing 

http://8tracks.com/ -- the home page 

This is Right On

All I have to say about this picture is it is exactly right, we all do it, unfortunately. Here is Facebook In Real Life. 

If you liked this comic go check out some more at http://thedoghousediaries.com, they're all just as hilarious and true. :)

A Touch of Nerdiness

So, now that I'm back (for however long, I will honestly try to post a lot more frequently again), I've posted a couple meaningful things, but now it's time to sit back, relax and think about Pokemon, oh yeah. This guy in this video has a super awesome theory about a Pokemon War. You won't regret watching it, I know I didn't!


Genius in The Lion King

I just had to post this because I love it, and it's totally true. This obviously isn't the only positive thing you can take and learn from The Lion King, (obvious example, Hakuna Mattata) but I just saw this one and thought I'd share it with you, maybe make you think a little. Enjoy.

It's Been Too Long.

I don't know exactly what compelled me to come and revisit my blog but I'm glad I did. I began reading through some of my own posts, mostly the ones with meaning behind them rather than just artwork and such. After reading about previous re-realizations I came upon another. That realization is this: we all tend to get caught up in this fast paced world without even realizing it. We often lose ourselves, forgetting who we are and what we've learned. Picture it like this, we are balloons, everything that influences us (negatively, or not exactly positively) is helium, everything that we learn is just oxygen. We start out as empty balloons and as we learn and grow we get filled up with both oxygen and helium. The helium causes us to drift farther and farther away from earth (or reality) whereas the oxygen just allows us to stay full of that knowledge and experience while still being "down to earth". As we get older and we have influences like mass media and material objects we begin consuming more helium than oxygen and we start drifting away. But every now and then, something comes along, and pokes a little hole in that balloon and you drift back down to earth. You patch yourself up, remember that oxygen is more important and carry on with your life, close to earth. Often the process will repeat because as humans we forget things a lot, but there's always that something that brings us back down whether it's because of a thought you had yourself, a conversation with a friend, or something not so pleasant that forces you to open your eyes to reality. I'm not entirely sure if this is what happens to everyone but I know in my case this is one hundred percent true. I will be the first to admit that I often get too caught up in this fast paced world of technology, gossip, and material objects. For example, lately I've been nearly obsessed with looking at things to buy online. I don't end up buying half of it but I still look at it and say "I want that!" And not until now have I realized that that "want" I have is greed. I do not need that item, I just want it in my possession. Anyways, back to the balloon metaphor, I'm sure someone else feels the same way I do about this, and I think that the people who don't, should maybe try it once in awhile. It feels nearly impossible to never partake in everything that people get so wrapped up in but at least take a break once in awhile to reflect on yourself and your surroundings. People don't take enough time to stop and smell the roses. So, next time you consciously realize that "you're too full of helium" let it go and go sniff some flowers!