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Saturday, 6 April 2013

I Love My Furbabies!

I can fully admit that I am one of those obnoxious parents that constantly brags about their kids at every opportunity, always has 5,000 pictures of their kids to show to anyone who will tolerate it and thinks that their kids are the best, most beautiful thing that has ever happened to this planet. Except, my kids have fur. Yes, I have pets but they're more than pets to me, they really are like my children, and the best part is that they can't talk back! So, I'm about to go all braggy mama on you and show you a gazillion pictures of my babies. 

 This is Roxy, she will be 2 years old this August. 

 This is Remi, he will be 1 year old this July. 
Roxy is an odd cat, she's not one of those stereotypical cats who will only let you pet her on her terms and when you want to cuddle she runs away. She's the exact opposite, she's always up for cuddles and comes to you when you whistle. 

 Despite the innocent look on Remi's face he sure is a troublemaker, but I can never stay mad at him because, well, look at that face! 

It's hard to tell what "breed" cats are but I have a theory that Roxy is a mix between a maine coon and a British Longhair.  

Remi was born with host-specific lice and lost most of his fur because of it. We took him to the vet and they gave him a shot and gave us some shampoo to get rid of the lice. After that I ordered this really great lotion stuff that has all sorts of essential oils in it and rubbed it on him at least twice a day every day. Before I knew it all of his fur had grown back in all nice and thick and soft and now he's a handsome young boy! 

Remi is super energetic and doesn't realize how big he is so he's always jumping all over me and almost knocking me over. He used to be hard to cuddle because he would get irritated or claustrophobic maybe and start biting (not hard) at you. After a lot of work and a lot of bonding time he now gives hugs and loves to cuddle.  

Remi is a pure bred husky but when he was a puppy he looked like a baby bear.  

Remi loves car rides like most dogs but absolutely insists on being in the front seat. 

Remi's favourite activity would probably have to be "eating" Roxy. He likes to rough house with her and stick her entire head in his mouth. He never really hurts her though and if he gets too rough she lets him know. Sometimes I catch them napping together.   

He has recently finally understood what the words "walk" and "treat" mean. This face means you have this attention.  

 When I first went to pick Roxy up we had to put her in a kennel for the car ride home. It was about a 45 minute drive and she was obviously scared because she was being taken away from her mom by some stranger. We put the radio on in hopes of calming her down and it worked. There was a good song on the radio and she stopped meowing and crying and started listening. The song then changed to something not so great and she started yowling. At least we know she has good taste in music! 

 You would think that if you were to put a small plate of turkey, mashed potatoes and corn in front of a cat that they'd go after the turkey first, maybe try the mashed potatoes and leave the corn but that wasn't the case last Thanksgiving. She went straight for the corn, ate almost all of it, tried some mashed potatoes and hardly touched the turkey at all. She's silly! 

Roxy is pretty shy when it comes to new people, if she hears the door open and it's a stranger she runs and hides but once she gets to know you on, you won't be able to get rid of her. She'll sit on your lap for hours if you let her. 

 One thing that Remi's pretty good with is bed time. Right around 9 or 10 pm he settles down and gets ready to go to sleep. That makes a very happy mama! That is, until he wakes up early the next morning and it's mama's day off and she wants to sleep in but Rem says "nooo! I want to go outside!" 

Roxy's a very happy kitty. She doesn't get in bad moods very often and she's always there to cheer me up. She just knows. She'll come over and lick the tears off of my face and put her forehead against my face and just lay there with me.  

Roxy feels the need to sleep on me. Every. Night. 

When Remi was a puppy we didn't have the chance to kennel train him because our neighbours complained about him whining (we live in a duplex), so it made it really hard to keep the house clean when we were gone. Luckily, those neighbours moved out and a friend of mine moved in who didn't mind the whining until he got used to it. Now he's so good that all I have to do is walk over to the kennel and open the door and he goes in. Treats always help too of course!

If it were winter all the time and Remi got to spend every day outside he would be as happy as a clam.It took awhile for Remi to get used to the snow but once all of his fur came back in he learned to love it. The first time I introduced Remi to snow I couldn't help but laugh. I opened the door to let him out and he stopped, sat down and looked at me like "you expect me to go do my business in this? Are you nuts?!" 

So, yeah, those are my furbabies along with some fun facts about them. I know you probably don't care all that much but they both mean the world to me and I don't know what I'd do without them. I love them both with all my heart. 

Also, if you were to ask me if I'm a cat person or a dog person I really wouldn't have an answer for you. I like having both because then you have both a dog that you can take places, keeps you active and loves to play as well as a cat that loves to cuddle, is more independent and does the most hilarious things. They both keep me going and keep me smiling every day! I wish I could say that at least one of them is a rescue but they weren't. I do hugely support rescue animals though and if I had the room I'd take in a whole bunch of them! 

On the topic of rescues, if you're looking to adopt a pet, adopt a rescue. If you're not looking to adopt but have room in your home, foster a pet. If you don't have room in your home but you could spare a little bit of your time to help out at your local animal shelter, please do so, they always need volunteers. If you don't have time to volunteer but still want to make a contribution, please donate, the cost of taking care of so many animals is not cheap. If you do at least one of these things you are helping save lives and bringing families (or fur-families) together. :)