This is a warning that is warning you that as you scroll down you are about to see a LOT about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic stuff. If you absolutely hate it then don't continue scrolling, but if you've never watched it/ never heard of it, maybe you should give it a shot! If you're new to My Little Pony go to youtube right now and type in My Little Pony: Friendship is magic and watch a few of the very first episodes. I highly suggest it. Life is much better when you're a brony. You learn things like values and friendship, the brony community is one of the nicest groups of people I've ever seen/met/heard of because we all love and tolerate each other, there is no hate, we won't judge you so why don't you give it a try? If you don't like it, that's fine, we respect and understand that too, but why not at least have something to base your opinion off of instead of just assuming it's not going to be good (because it IS going to be good!) Anyways! yeah, warning blah blah blah, you want a sign? Okay.

No, not THAT kind of pony.
These kinds of ponies! :D <3
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