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Thursday, 9 February 2012

One Million Moms is Ridiculous!

To all those who don't know there is a group called One Million Moms who are trying to get Ellen Degeneres fired from being on JC Penny commercials because she's gay. They are also trying to cancel other shows or commercials because they claim that they are immoral (the show "Glee" is an example of this) and have already succeeded in cancelling other shows and commercials (such as a show on MTV called "Skins") By doing this they are taking away everyone else's freedom to watch what we want to watch. We must put an end to this! 

Today I went onto the One Million Moms' website and wrote them an email, hoping that maybe we can see eye to eye but we're going to need more than just one person to put a stop to this. If we can get enough people with us they may back down and start doing the sensible thing and instead of trying to censor everyone they can just censor themselves (with parental blocks etc). Below is the letter that I wrote to them. 

Okay, so I do not agree with a single thing you stand for. Yes, I understand that you don't want your children to see certain shows or commercials but there's a simple answer to that, DON'T LET THEM WATCH TV. Or, instead buy DVDs or purchase Netflix so children can only watch certain shows. Or put a parental block on your tv. But don't ruin tv for the rest of us. Not everyone shares the same views as you and it's unfair that we have to lose all of the things we enjoy because you guys say it's immoral. For example, you are against the show "Glee" (I'm assuming it's because of the gay people in the show?) That show has helped me through a lot in my life. I love that show and if it were to get cancelled because you don't want to see it I would be outraged. If you don't like it, DON'T WATCH IT! Another thing is, Ellen Degeneres is one of the most kind, helpful people around. Have you ever even taken the time to watch her show and see all of the things she does to help people? Just because she's gay doesn't make her any less of a person. In fact, I think she's a great person! She has accomplished so much in her life and in her career and trying to get someone who didn't do anything wrong fired is completely ridiculous. How would you feel if you got fired because you're a female? It's something you can't change, you were born that way and you're not going to change the way that you are, so why should Ellen have to? You can continue to boycott JC Penny all you want but there are going to be people who still shop there, because not everyone shares the same opinions as you, as I said before. After reading through your site and your Twitter I feel as if you're trying to shove your beliefs down my throat and take away things I enjoy to make your lives better and easier. That is wrong. By doing what you're trying to do you're taking away my freedom and my choice to watch what I want to watch.  Instead of taking away my choices, why don't you just make your own choices to not watch these programs or commercials that you don't like. There's always going to be commercials and programs with bad content in them, if you start taking away all of the things that could be considered "immoral" we're going to have absolutely nothing left. Stop trying to take away my rights and freedoms. It is against the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (for Canada) and the United States Constitution or Bill of Rights. Yes, you have the right to freedom of speech and freedom to petition but all I'm saying is instead of immediately demanding that something be taken away because you don't agree with it, instead make personal choices to not watch those things and let everyone else who enjoys it continue enjoying it. Do not ruin tv for the rest of us please. 

To see any other programs and commercials that they have cancelled or are trying to cancel you can click on the link to their website below. 

http://www.onemillionmoms.com/victories.asp <-- things that they have successfully cancelled 

http://www.onemillionmoms.com/issues.asp <-- things that they are trying to have cancelled

If you wish to write them an email about stopping this madness you can click on this link --> http://www.onemillionmoms.com/ComplaintForm.asp

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